5G Use Cases
3GPPhasadoptedthesetofusecasesidentifiedbytheRadioCommunicationsSectoroftheInternationalTelecommunicationsUnion (ITU-R). These use cases are applicable to technologies being developed to support the requirements ofInternational Mobile Telecommunications for 2020 (IMT2020) and beyond. The set ofuse cases are:
o enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)
o Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC)
o massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC)
* 3GPPisaccountingfortherequirementsoftheseusecaseswhenstandardising5G.Release15focusesupontheeMBBandURLLC categories, but additional capabilities for mMTC will be added in Release 16. The Narrow Band Internet ofThings (NB-loT) and LTE Machine (LTE-M) technologies belonging to 4G provide a solution for mMTC within the timescales ofrelease 15
* Eachusecasecategoryhasitsownsetofrequiremcnts.Forexample,eMBBrequireshighconnectionthroughputsandhighnetwork capacity, whereas URLLC requires low latency and high reliability for devices with both low and high mobility. The ITU-R has identified a general set ofrequirements and has assigned an importance to each requirement for each use case. These requirements and their importance are summarised in Figure I